Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bath Time

Everything always changes.
Now they say go ahead and bath them with the cord.
So we did
and Eve loved it!


The SaSSeR's said...

how cute!!!! She is going to look just like you (lucky girl) :) I go to the Dr today and we will see how things have progressed. so any trips up to Idaho?? and what are your plans for when Mark gets done. how much longer in Neb?? love ya girl and we will let you know as soon as she decideds to come. I think that our daughters were friends in Heaven and decided to both come late :)

Dan & Heidi Goodrich said...

Congrats! What a beautiful little angle. You look so great to.

Jill said...

A little late, but CONGRATULATIONS to the Turpins, party of four!!! So glad to hear she made it safely and that Boyce was able to be in bed (not at the hospital) through it all.

Best wishes for every one of you!