Tuesday, January 29, 2008

8 Months--I'm huge!!


John and Jada McFarlane said...

You look so cute! I am getting so excited for you guys. You are going to be great parents.

Brandon and Erica said...

so, I was making my blog-rounds today and was soo glad you posted a picture of you! Now Lyndsey can see for yourself how cute you are! :-)
And, just for the record: you are not huge. Maybe huger than my 7 year old niece, but definitely smaller than any other 8-month pregnant lady I've ever seen!
love ya-

Kyle and Megan said...

Sarah! You look so beautiful! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever, but I guess that's what happens when you don't have a class with someone anymore. I had a similar feeling this morning, except it was 5 months--I'm huge! Then I even braved stepping on the scale. That was a bad idea. I can't wait to meet little Boyce in the coming weeks!

Holly said...

You look so cute! Seriously! I can't believe we live so close and we haven't seen each other at all since you've been pregnant! Do you have any time before your little bundle of joy arrives? Maybe we can find some time to do something together?

Celeste said...

One month left! Congratulations! You are looking good!

Rachelle said...

You are not huge silly! You are pregnant! And you look fabulous! It's coming so soon - yeah!

Heidi @ Honeybear Lane said...

As much as you are NOT huge, you probably FEEL huge...because that's how I feel! It's hard not to feel huge when it takes all the energy you have just to flip over in bed or get off the couch! You're almost there though and let me say, I am jealous! Btw, have you guys heard from dental schools?